
Privacy Police



弊社はお客様へより良い商品・サービスを提供する目的で、 お客様の個人情報を収集することがあります。お客様から個人情報をお聞きする場合には、 あらかじめ、その目的をお知らせしお客様の同意のもと適切な範囲で個人情報の収集を行います。 (お客様から個人情報を開示いただけない場合にはご利用できないサービスがありますので、あらかじめご了承ください)


弊社ホームページからご登録いただく情報は、ネットワーク上のセキュリティ対策として、SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)データ暗号化技術にて保護されております。





1. 弊社が取り扱う商品・サービスに関するご案内・ご提供

2. お客様からのお問い合わせまたはご依頼などへの対応

3. サービス提供・導入、事務処理・連絡のため

4. その他、お客様に事前にお知らせし、同意いただいた目的。





1. お客様の事前の同意・承認を得た場合

2. 統計的な資料として、お客様個人を識別できない状態に加工した場合

3. 法令等により提供が必要とされる場合




YANODA CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as YANODA) recognizes the importance of the handling of personal customer information acquired through services or homepages (hereinafter referred to as this websites) operated by us, and will protect customer privacy by complying with the relevant laws and practicing strict control.

Collection of Personal Information

YANODA may collect personal customer information for the purpose of providing the best products and services possible. When asking a customer for personal information, we shall collect the personal information within the appropriate scope required after first informing the customer of the purpose of collecting this information and obtaining the customer's consent in advance. (Please understand that if personal information is not provided under certain circumstances, some of service will be unavailable.)

- About collecting the personal information from homepage

The information registered by this web site is protected by SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) through the networking security.

-About collecting the personal information from self-ordering service

Personal information is collected only for delivery service and encrypted to manage user's orders.

Usage of Personal Information

YANODA has set the purpose of use of personal information as below.

1. Providing our products and services, or Providing information related to the products and services;

2. Responding to your requests and/or enquiries;

3. handling service, transaction and contact;

4. Other purposes with the consent from customers in advance.

Management of Personal Information

We will take preventive action to prevent the inappropriate access of personal information, the loss, damage or changes or leakage of such information. However, if in case it happens, we will take the proper and fast action to correct it. If the customers would like to change or get to know what information is being collected, please contact us from web contact page

Disclosure of Personal Information

As a general rule, this Group does not disclose personal information to any third party without the consent of the customer concerned. However, as an exception, this Group may disclose personal information in the following cases.

1. When the consent or approval of the customer has been obtained in advance;

2. When the information has been processed as statistical data, into a form where the customer cannot be identified individually;

3. When provision of information is deemed necessary in accordance with the relevant laws, ordinances, etc.

Inquiries Related to Personal Information

Please direct opinions, questions, etc., related to the handling of personal information to the following.
